As mentioned above, safety and the cold are the considerations i take when working and gardening. Safety goggle, gloves, boots suitable clothing. I'd rather protect myself than getting hurt. The other consideration is the thoughts of some people else I'm naked most of the time.
What I've noticed is that I'm more content in whatever I'm doing when I'm naked and things get done!
I don't know why, it justs feels right and good. I only wish others would recognise the benefits of nudity.
#nudity #contentment #wellbeing
You are right John, and I wish more of others would recognise this too.
I think one of the things we need to consider when getting on with chores naked is that our bodies are much more delicate and prone to hurt then they maybe would have been if we had grown up naked, another is that we have maybe got used to not taking certain natural precautions due to the fact we know our clothes will protect us.
Steve has a theory that modern man has genitals that are more "showers" than "growers" than in years gone by. As modern man has his penis protected by layers of clothing that not only prevents random harm but also keeps it warm wrapped in layers. I think it makes sense, our naked ancestors would have wanted their genitals out of harms way while hunting, foraging, climbing trees, maybe fighting as well as dealing with weather conditions. If you look at most or maybe all other animals they keep this part of them as close to their bodies as possible until actually needed.
I guess also as modern humans we tackle things that we maybe would have ignored centuries back. When we didn't own land we would not have attempted to clear it of brambles but just stayed clear.
If I had to condense it down to one thought it would be: "It feels good!!".
The initial reactions of folks who swim naked for the first or hike naked is usually about how it feels. They can use words like "freedom" but the bottom line is that they personally really enjoy being without clothes.