In Europe “Casual nakedness is falling prey to rising prudishness; nudist associations are losing members at a clip matched only by the church. Worse, a habit one might prefer to be undertaken by the young is increasingly the preserve of the ageing. . . In June the main nudist association cancelled celebrations for its 75th birthday amid a lack of interest. At 34,000 its membership has fallen by nearly half since it celebrated its 50th birthday, prompting Bild, a tabloid, to bemoan a ‘crisis of nudity in Germany’. In France doing le topless at the beach has lost its appeal, at least to practitioners. In 1984 some 43% of adult French women under 50 had bared their breasts at the beach; the figure is now under 20%. The practice is now three times more popular among over-65s than it is with 18- to 24-
year-olds.” - Charlemagne,
“. . . as most events and places to visit are Adult Only, we fear for the future. Currently National organizations are doing everything they can, and bending over backwards to attract 18 to 30 year olds, but the sad fact is, if any of these young people couple up, they will find suddenly as a family there is no place for them within naturism. It feels like we are deliberately destroying our
future.” – Robin & Rin (R&R),
“Reality is safe places for naturist families are disappearing. As a result, we are losing the ability for our next generations to experience how trivial nudity really is. Society around us is questioning the authority of parents to bring up their children the way they want, while condoning to more and more freedom for adults to do whatever they want once they turn 18 or whatever the age is. It's sick to my stomach to see this trend growing around the
world.” – a.b.y.a. C,
The above quotes point to the "Problem" of resistance to naturism growing around the world, not just at resorts. But what would you consider the "Solution"?