Everyone enjoys talking about food. We like to follow dietary ideas that are often based on something they have read or ideas we hold dear. People love photographing their food and sharing the images. Many are just food mad. It is a major part of our daily life and often speaks about our attitude to life in general. Are you lazy, creative, wasteful, greedy, fussy, non-caring or overly concerned? The way we are with food is maybe how you are like with relationships, work, your home etc.
We need food to survive and getting it was a major part of our daily life when we were hunters and gatherers. Even now our work life is primarily about being “the breadwinner” and putting food on the table. Some families have for centuries been thanking their different gods for the food “they are about to receive. ” Maybe what they are actually doing is thanking their god for allowing them to be able to afford, or grow, or find/hunt the food they have to try and ensure they get it again tomorrow. That they do not lose their income or that the harvest doesn’t fail.
Go on the internet or open a magazine or newspaper and we find countless recipes as well as endless and often conflicting arguments about salt, fat, sugar, carbs, meats, fish, cooking, raw eating, vitamins, alcohol, oils, superfoods, grains, chocolate, aphrodisiacs, animal treatment, farming methods, organic foods, GMO issues, 5 a-days, 7 a -days. Then there is food linked positively or negatively to certain religions.
Our drive to find and secure food has been replaced by a general obsession with it. Everyone has different views and it can actually be quite hard to know what is right or wrong.
Gives us your thoughts on food, your beliefs on what we should and shouldn’t eat and although many people's ideas will possibly be completely against your own – be open and friendly.