Okay, so suddenly we are sort of in the middle here, so we will approach this from our own mind set.
We took part in WNBR because we do actually try to live a sustainable life, and we do cycle, Rob especially has done a huge amount of tour cycling in the UK and Europe, so he is aware of the safety needs. Saying that, we are naturists, and also very big advocates for body positivity, we are sure if you read the article, we wrote for the public articles on this site you will understand why. Is WNBR or some of the other events that include nudity political?
Possibly, but honestly, we do not care, we have no desire to become involved in the politics of people, what they believe and support is their belief, and we have no judgement around that. We support naturism, and the right to be allowed to be naked, in this case it was public, and that is why we were there. Not only did we undress, we also spoke to people who we not going to be involved in the ride, we talked to several bystanders.
It was fascinating to see the other side of the coin, as we explained our thoughts and feelings, and our joy of naked freedom within our lifestyle. We knew we would not convert these people, we knew they would not rip off their clothes and join us, but we hoped, that in the future when confronted with nudity, they would not rush to judgement. What we did was enlighten them, and in doing so, that is another person who understands us, and will allow us without comment in the future to enjoy our naked life.
Nudity is used to shock simply because it is not something we see every day, and actually there is a tradition of naked protests that goes back over a hundred years. From our own view point, the way we see it, is the more people encounter nudity in real life, the more desensitized they will become, and that was part of our aim on the WNBR, to literally show our bodies, so others will gradually feel lees and less shocked by it.
We honestly do not care if there are no new naturists, as long as those left who are not, do not try to prevent those of us who love being naked, from being so, it would be great to see other who watched us join in next year, but that was not our soul aim. We do not like people sexualizing naturism, that is a harmful road for us all, and gives the very wrong message to people, and we were pleased on the bike ride no one was doing that. WNBR as we found out, contains a lot of full time naturists, and they feel as we do, that naturist activities need to be conducted within the rules of this community, it gave us a great sense of ease.
During the ride, thousands of people got to see 287 naked people on bikes, they cheered and shouted out messages of support, those people may never become naturists, but we are pretty sure, they will not try to stop us from being so either, and that really is the point of why RnR were there, to send out a relaxed and positive none political message.