Being a good parent and a good person is actually very natural, maybe like naturism, it is something we take for granted. The more I think about it the more naturism is about being instinctive, having our natural covering. Clothing is like selling fruit wrapped in plastic. Fake, environmentally unsound, and often unnecessary.
It cannot be easily proved, as societies connection with clothes is long and varied, but I cannot help but consider that societies fear of nudity, and abuse, porn and misuse of the internet are linked.
Why an adult would abuse a child is such an alien concept to most of us that it seems unfathomable that the supportive, loving and strong path isn't chosen. Like naturism, when you are on the path it seems so easy and obvious.
Going back to women's and the rantings on the internet and articles around the world. We make the misuse of women seem so inevitable and so commonplace that we are in danger of making it appear the natural choice, a choice that we have to learn to fight against rather than a shocking misuse of the natural order of things.
When we say "normalise nudity" it creates the idea that nudity is currently abnormal, when we say "black lives matter" it suggests that the current way of thinking is that they don't. When we act like child abuse is everywhere and women are raped and misused everywhere we take the shocking and abnormal and make it commonplace. We breed mistrust and contempt. There are terrible situations out there, there is inequality, too many people are abused in one way or another but the way it is handled is making the matter worse. We highlight our differences, we concentrate on our fears and we breed anger. We have to start with what is working and grow that. In the UK the divides are getting bigger, as we look at injustice all over the world and imagine it as commonplace in our own community. This must be happening elsewhere. Like naturism we are sort of saying "normalise equality" which suggest that equality is abnormal. If we start with such a concept and believe it we are bound to feel angry. The average person is actually very fair, the average person isn't a child abuser, a rapist, a racist, a homophobe....they want everyone to get a fair share, believe in equality in the work place, want everyone to have the vote....if we are unable to start off with that premise then we start off mistrusting the very ideas we appear to be angrily fighting for.
Naturism is normal and instinctive and is part of our core being. We cannot normalise the abnormal but we can embrace the normal.
Too many children are abused, too many women are mistreated in one form or another, but if we cannot see that most men are not a threat or that in our instincts we want to nurture children and work as gender equals then we have no normal to work on. We know that women and men naturally work together as a team and make the team stronger by doing so. Greater than the sum of our parts. That is not just about couples or families but about community. It is common sense, just like the fact that "ALL lives matter." If we aren't allowed to have an understanding of that then we cannot start to build and repair.
The internet and media in an attempt to create Trends to show how PC we should be and highlight injustice fail to recognise or care that they are encouraging the world to lose faith. They are saying - the world is racist, the world is sexist, the world is homophobe, the world is perverse. They are asking us to keep the mistakes of the past raw and bleeding and hate filled. Past events that are supposed to be moved on from and healed and learnt from are dug up and used to create new anger. But it is selective - we ignore the good and the progress and remember the injustice, and we only remember select injustices - ones that appear to be linked to current trends. How far back do we need to dig to find itches to make bleed. If they decided Da Vinci was a child abuser would we be burning the Mono Lisa?
We need to start today, we need to move on and not back, we need to sensibly combat injustice and we need to do that with a common idea that we believe in justice and not with the idea that we don't. Women cannot fight injustice if they start with the idea that they have to fight every man. We cannot tackle child abuse if we see 50% of the world as would be suspects, we cannot teach our children how to recognise threat if we don't first recognise it ourselves. We cannot combat racial issues or sexual issues, or age issues, or religious issues if we start of by saying that everyone is guilty of the crime. We keep acting like it is a small percentage of people who are fighting a massive injustice. A handful of enlightened sportsmen. What we are suggesting is that we are starting off with an unsurmountable task. Doomed to failure before it even starts. No wonder it makes people angry. No wonder we all seem to be shouting at windmills. No wonder that art is grinding to a halt as we fear that anything we do may be taken as a slight against an aspect of society.
I was an abused female child. But if I was to imagine that all men are a threat to me as a woman or my son's as children then I would be doomed and they would be doomed. As a naturist I sleep in peace on beaches surrounded by strangers knowing that the majority of people are basically trustworthy. My children have played happily naked all their lives with other children, with their parents, with us. Never have I felt any sense of danger. But there have been men (and women that I haven't liked and trusted in my life, there have been people that my children have said to me "I don't like them" - have they had the good instinct to mistrust someone or is it simply that we all find people that don't fit to our tastes. Either way if we learn to follow our instincts rather than just fear everyone then we have a chance of liking society and functioning in it.
We can do it, we can see that most people care. Covid highlighted how well humanity can pull together, even though it also showed how individuals can be disgraceful. The current problems in the Ukraine shows how the world doesn't want to ignore injustice on a global scale. There are huge problems but if we work together and not apart then we are much more likely to find the answers.
In naturist terms if we start off with the idea that naturism is natural and an instinctive part of our lives we are much more likely to encourage people than by saying, naturism is something practised by a minority group why don't more people give it a go?
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Anna ANW at March 11, 2022 9:14 AM GMT