I don't know where in ANW it would be best to post this. So, I'm doing it here for the time being!
I am a life model, and earlier this year started a life drawing group in my hometown, using local models whenever possible. (I don't model for my own group, only for others'.)
I would like to start a clothing optional life drawing group but currently don't have a venue that I could use. I cannot use the one I use for my existing group as I am sure that nudity of the artists as well as the model would be more than they could handle!
Do you know of anywhere within West Sussex I could use? It would need to fulfil the following criteria:
> Easy to access
> Accepting of group nudity
> Sufficiently private
> Inexpensive (or free!)
> Open year-round
> Able to manage regular sessions (monthly?)
I don't expect the sessions to be as popular as traditional ones (but would be very happily proved wrong!), but providing the cost is low and the venue easy to get to, and with sufficient marketing, I think they would be successful.
My intention is to run these clothing optional session in just the same way as clothed ones, i.e. using professional paid models. The only difference will be that the artists can be as nude as the models! I know that naturist life drawing sessions happen from time to time, e.g. within a naturist club, with naturists volunteering to model, but I want these to be more serious life art events.
If anyone would like to know more about my existing life drawing group, here's a link to the website: