If you would like to contact members who are local to you or get in touch with people who live in an area where you used to live within Europe - East - Russia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus - then announce it in this topic.
Maybe you are planning a visit to this area and would like to get some advice or even planning a move.
You may wish to arrange to meet-up but please take sensible precautions. If creating local based online/meet-up groups is of interest to you please get in touch with Team-ANW via
[email protected] and we can help you set one up in the Groups area of ANW.
This topic is not to be seen as a place for "Personal Ads" but more as a way of connecting with members in this region. We advise against posting personal email addresses into your posts. Connect via the forum and your profiles in the first instance.
In the unlikely event that any member shows unwanted, inappropriate, pestering or sexual behaviour towards you via personal messaging, emails or other connections please do not suffer in silence or leave ANW. Keep ANW in the loop and allow us to help with the issue. They may offend others too and this is not just damaging to individuals but to the community here at ANW and to the growth and acceptance of naturism. Remember "Protect Yourself, Protect ANW and Protect Naturism."