As part of ANW's want to enhance understanding and appreciation of naturism we aim to share a selection of interviews with ANW members to show that naturism is for everyone, and explore the all important human element of the naturist and ANW community.
Anna and Steve asked ANW members to come up with some questions to cover in a interview about themselves. Visit Part one for the first 6 of those suggestions. Part 2 follows on with a further 6 questions.
What has been the naturist highlight of your past year?
There has been a lot to enjoy and celebrate. ANW has grown and grown during the last year with many months reflecting that with record numbers of sign ups and subscribers. The various libraries and areas becoming more and more valuable with amazing activity Articles, Albums, Community Blogs, Members Blogs etc. Some of the kind gestures, messages, comments and emails are so heart warming to read and the fact that the community behaves so respectful to ANW, each other and naturism is a constant joy. We have connected with some amazing naturist opportunities and individuals through the site which is always a source of inspiration. Away from ANW we have been on a few adventures, some new beaches, and some of these times we still have to find time to share with the community. We think of all the experiences we have had this year our time at Broadlands stands out as in many ways it was a micro-vision of what it is that attracts us to naturism. A positive attitude towards the way the club is run. It is situated in a wonderful location. There was a wide range of different people all connecting positively through naturism. Lots of fun and games. We were lucky with the weather. We were comfortable and safe. We spent lots of time in the indoor pool - sun, water and naturism are automatic ingredients for a wonderful time! Our children were welcome and happy, entertained and entertaining. We could be naked 24/7. We won't go on to much now but please have a read of our Broadlands blog post in ANW if you aren't already sold on how wonderful the experience was.
We are eagerly looking forward to 2024 and what naturism has in store for us next year.
What else do you enjoy other than naturism?
We love watching a wide range of films – all genres, any age and any country. If it is a good story, well acted and directed then it captures our imagination. We enjoy reading too, and would love to spend more time doing that; films are so much more “instant” and a little more social. Though we do take it in turns to read out loud as a family. We also like some TV – like good quality documentaries (such as David Attenborough natural history programmes), a classic adaptation or a detective drama. We spend a lot of time working on DIY, but we are not sure if we can say we enjoy it.
Our sons very much enjoy computer games, but we prefer playing a board game with them. Family time is our favourite time and if we can do something together or go somewhere together, all four of us, then that is time well spent.
Most of our other pleasures can be connected to naturism. We love a ramble. We love nature and the countryside and the coast. We love camping and taking the boys off on adventures and connecting with nature. We love spending time on the beach, and weather permitting, playing in the sea and on the sand and having picnics. We love to travel and see new things and looking for new naturist experiences is a good excuse for this too.
People are fascinating, yet it is very easy to become anti-social. We like the boys to have social interactions with various people, naturists venues are great for that, and really help to build up an awareness and empathy to others. Naturism has introduced us to many wonderful people over the years, and ANW allows that to be a global pleasure. We enjoy cooking (and eating) and entwine that with our naturism too.
Do you consider a difference in the words Naturism and Nudism?
We know for some there is a difference. Some consider naturism for philosophical and spiritual and more entwined with other aspects of life like the environment, and consider nudism simply about being naked. Some consider nudism to be more adult orientated than naturism, and sadly the internet doesn't do much to help that point of view.
To us though they are two words used to describe what is basically the same premise. In a nutshell - enjoying positive time naked for non-sexual reasons. The explore section of ANW is full of opportunities that use the term nudism and embrace everything naturism seems to stand for. There are also plenty of ANW members who use the term nudism and are much more in tune with the philosophical aspects of social nudity than some other members who use the term naturist. So for us although some have different definitions the use of both is very much blurred.
We opt for naturism because it is the word that we have grown up aware of. It is also the most chosen of the two by national bodies and it is the least abused of the two words on the internet.
There is also another reason and that is we feel it is a more accurate word in the image that it conjures up.
When we are without clothes we are not nude but as nature intended. Nudism to us places the emphasis on being undressed, which suggests that we have had to remove something to take part in nudism. Naturism puts the emphasis in the other direction. As naturists we are in our natural state and we have to add clothes to change that. It is a subtle difference maybe but one we like. With naturism adding clothes makes us unnatural, but with nudism we have to take clothes away to be nude.
Our belief is that naturism is all about being naturally comfortable and relaxed about your body and your state of covering. It is a basic and instinctive part of living- just like breathing and eating. It doesn't matter if you take part simply for fun, to enjoy the sun or for much deeper reasons – it is primarily a natural, honest and genuine state to be in and to us “naturism” fits the bill better.
Do you spend a lot on heating your home in winter?
A big part of our attitude towards naturism is that it has to make sense and it has to be about comfort. To us it wouldn't make sense pushing up the heating simply so we can be naked. It wouldn't make environmental sense, financial sense and also it would be acting out of character to the naturalness of our naturism. We would feel that we were forcing the issue simply to be able to be naked, rather than allowing naturism to be a natural aspect of our lives we would be acting in a fake way for us to insist that we need to have naturism no matter what the weather. Our bodies have not evolved to keep warm in the UK winters and so we have to adapt.
If we had eco-friendly, free and renewable energy available then we would no doubt turn the heating up higher to allow more naturism. We were lucky while living in Spain that most days allowed for a comfortable level of nudity, but in Cornwall we have to accept the climate for what it is. Though we also think that we can deal with cold temperatures better than habit suggests. It is fairly easy to become more resilient to the seasons and being uncovered with a little practise. Modern heating systems and doors and glazing have lured us into a need for greater warmth.
Part of our natural and comfortable approach to naturism is to react fluidly to whatever the day presents us. No rules and a flexibility within the family. So if only a top or a pair of socks is needed then that is what is worn. If one of us is cold and the rest of us warm then the individual will dress or stay naked according to their needs. Our home life could very well be described as clothing optional. Both in respect to nudity and also what clothing is opted into. This is not just the case in the winter months but also during the rest of the year. Each of us take each moment of each day as we find it. The important thing to us is to not have rules about clothing and nudity in the home or garden and to feel comfortable both in mind and in body.
How do people react to your family's naturism?
That is really an answer that relies on a huge range of people, opinions, attitudes, and occasions.
The people closest to us treat our naturism no differently to how they may treat us being vegetarian or enjoying watching films. It is simply part of our lives, not shocking, not really something that requires a lot of attention, just who we are. That is really how naturism should be viewed by everyone. Why should people care? It is mainly their confusion over naturism and what it is about that make those that are negative care, that mixed with their own personal fears of nudity. It is a large part of why we created ANW to inform and educate, to raise the acceptance levels and change perceptions, and to stand up against the damage done to naturism by those that misuse it in the 3D world and on the internet.
Many people who care about naturism are very supportive of our family naturism. On the internet and of course on ANW, because they recognise that is is the positive publicity from genuine naturist that help protect naturism, and there is nothing more positive in many people's eyes than active naturist families. In the 3D world too. Many naturists we have met on beaches since our eldest was born have been very positive about our family naturism. We have had so many people chat with us about how good it is to see families using beaches, they are really supportive and friendly and welcoming.
We also know that we have encouraged others to try naturism when they have seen us. Families give naturism a positive thumbs up in people's eyes. We have had other families follow our lead on beaches, but individuals too. Women in particular see our family nudity as a proof that naturism is safe and acceptable. It is like a green light to strip off and also our presence makes the beach feel safer. Much as we feel that the single man is often unfairly judged, we are aware that couples add a greater level of trust to naturism and families take that trust up several notches.
Of course it isn't always positive. We have had some people say naturism is OK for adults but not suitable for children. Our attitude is that if naturism is not suitable for children then how is it suitable for anyone? If people consider naturism to be sexual in nature then that by default makes it unsuitable for society in general and not just children. If people do not consider it sexual in nature then the values and positives are as valid (and maybe even more so) for the young as well as the old.
We are very careful about how we promote our family naturism. Not because of protests or danger but because of localised behaviour of peers. Other children reacting foolishly towards the idea of naturism are the biggest concern our boys have about naturism, and as parents we have to take those fears into consideration. Of course if more families were involved in naturism it would help combat such concerns.
How do we bring naturism to more families?
There is a wariness about promoting family naturism today. We get that. Child safeguarding issues are very much in the public conscience, and protecting your children is a vital part of all parents and carers roles. Naturism does not stand against that, in fact it can be argued with a great deal of logic that naturism is actually a very safe and nurturing lifestyle very safe for children and very supportive of positive growth and learning as well as offering great opportunities for childhood fun, adventures and activities encouraging close, supportive and interactive families. As far as we are concerned naturism should proudly announce itself as family friendly. Act oblivious to those that protest against the idea as their opinion should be treated as so off the wall that it hardly should be taken into consideration. The idea that naturism is not suitable for families should be so wildly off the mark that we should not feel any concern about honestly promoting naturism in this way. It can be done very effectively while considering the acceptable use of children's photographs. After all even some adults promote naturism without ever showing their breasts and genitals.
So the best way we can bring more families to naturism is by getting every individual, every local club and every national body to openly put family naturism at the top of their campaigns and promotions. Families with children aged under 18 represent the majority of people in our society and it makes complete sense to prioritise families in presenting naturism to the world. Other groups that naturism often worry about will follow. Single women will trust naturism because it is family friendly, young couples will see that naturism is not all about old people, and will know that they have a future in naturism should they start a family. Young adults will mature from families to become naturists themselves and then encourage their friends.
Yet look at how naturism is usually promoted. Families hardly get mentioned and almost never get shown. The majority of national press articles, videos on the likes of You-Tube, blogging websites and social media personalities seldom mention families or present families. It is much more trendy to show a childless couple enjoy an exotic beach or a group of adults with a beer in their hand. Even many charity walks and swims don't include families and children in the mix. How can we encourage more families if we do not promote to families? Naturism is a healthy, positive, nurturing and incredibly family friendly lifestyle and yet we fail to present it as such. It makes no sense what-so-ever and the failure to confront this does not just let families down but also encourages the wrong ideas about naturism to flourish.
Concentrating attempts to promote naturism to other aspects of society often backfires. Promoting naturism as a young party environment will mislead many into thinking it is a rather sexualised environment and will inevitably, particularly long term do a lot more harm than good. Promoting naturism with women only events likewise limits the women it can attract. The vast majority of women will have children by the age of 40, and by suggesting that women need male free environments to enjoy naturism creates an idea that men cannot be trusted; painting a dangerous picture of general naturism, further underlining the idea that naturism is sexual and not suitable for families, and defeating the whole idea that nudity is a natural state to spend time in. Naturism is best presented with integration and not segregation.
As individuals what can we do to help attract more families? Those that are families need to be vocal and visible in what ever way they feel comfortable. Getting out onto beaches is a perfect example. It encourages other families to realise you exist. Hiding behind the walls of events and clubs is going to do nothing to encourage other families. Before long, as is the natural way of things, some of the families you know will stop turning up, and as numbers decrease this will encourage others to stop turning up. Then running family events and catering to families will become less cost effective and more and more activities, events and venues will become adult only. So there will be less incentive for families to be naturists and for naturism to promote to families. But without families what long term future does naturism have?
We do what we can to ensure that ANW is kept safe and suitable for all and we welcome families. We verify members as family units and openly and honestly praise the importance and virtue of family naturism. Join ANW as a family, encourage other families to join and share your positive experience within the community. Ask us about creating groups as part of your membership.
You can create meet-up groups on ANW for other verified families. Families can also use their other connections to find fellow families through clubs, national bodies etc and arrange trips to beaches, walks and other get-togethers where you support each other and raise the profile of naturism.
Those that are not families can help too. Ensure that you do not like or follow anyone on social media who uses nudity and is not behaving in the best interest of naturism. Make sure you support the right understanding of naturism, just because you do not have a family yourself it doesn't mean you cannot tell others how important families are to naturism and how important naturism is to families. You may like to consider not attending events and venues that do not welcome families with no good reason. Adult only opportunities are a worrying trend within naturism and unless we demand change this will continue. It may seem a good idea at the moment, but we have to consider the long tern effect this will have on naturism. As naturism is allowed to become more and more adult only, the nature of what naturism is will also change, and the vast majority of today's naturists, singles, couples and families, will not want that to happen.
If you are involved with a body, venue, club, event, swim insist that they are also showing the view that naturism is fantastic for families. If you run an opportunity that is adult only, then consider changing your policy. If that is out of the question for one reason or another, then ensure that that reason is fully explained and that you provide information to those who visit your site that underlines that naturism is in general a family friendly and universal life choice and that although you do not have children visit your opportunity that it is not because naturism is not right for children and families and that the behaviour of those using your enterprise is as universally appropriate as it would be if children we welcome.
We can only bring more families to naturism if we are willing to go out on a limb for naturism and for families. A lazy and cowardly attitude will not help. A quick buck attitude towards adult only opportunities will not help. An “I don't have children, so it doesn't matter to me” attitude will not help. An “it isn't trendy to connect families to naturism” on the internet will not help. A “let's sell naturism as a night time bump and grind party” will certainly not help. Naturism isn't about minorities, woke concerns and political correct hurdles. Naturism is about everyone, it welcomes everyone, it gives to everyone. Place families in the centre and let naturism radiate out from that to all aspects of our society and anyone who can be respectful of others, our differences and our similarities and naturism itself.
We often recognise that naturism is a great leveller. That once we are naked we are all equal. For this to be really true we have to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to embrace naturism. That has to include families.
Thanks for Reading-
Follow all of our A Naturist Family Journey, Articles, Videos and Blog Posts there are over 200 shared with the ANW community.
Anna and Steve would like to thank all the members who have sent in questions so far and remind everyone that they can send more questions for consideration for further parts to this Interview.
Anna and Steve would like to thank all the members who have sent in questions so far and remind everyone that they can send more questions for consideration in further parts of this Interview.
They would also like to thank the members of ANW for continuing to make the ANW community the wonderful place it is today: not just a shining example of naturism but of internet communities in general.
ANW welcomes all who are respectful and interested in naturism and invite all genuine naturist organisations, clubs, events, venues and other opportunities to be part of the ANW community and work with us to encourage the growth and acceptance of naturism around the world. If you have any questions email Anna and Steve at [email protected]
© 2023 Anna and Steve - ANW and All Rights Reserved
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