July 1, 2019 -
0 Reviews
The Cummington beach has had a long history of use by nudists. A very popular clothing optional swimming hole along the Westfield River. When you get to the beach, you will find a small sloping area of sand and small stones, no more than 20 feet deep by 50 feet wide. It is a deep but not cold pool with a wide sandy beach area.
Many of the gay beach goers prefer to spread out on rocks farther downstream, so the "main" beach is usually large enough for everyone who wants to use itIn the last few years, this beach has attracted a lot of attention because of attempts by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to discourage people from using it. This has occurred due to reports of sexual activity, mostly between male homosexuals, it has led to severe restrictions on parking and it will only get worst if we don't police it for this sort of behavior.